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AT&T KIT modemMemory and SolarisRe: Battery Life on NiMH as they sitno subject (file transmission)Re: AT&T KIT modemRe: no subject (file transmission)Re: no subject (file transmission)Re: no subject (file transmission)Battery timesEpsilon

Here's a strange one for the masses:
Anyone use Lugaru's Epsilon?  It's a programmer's editor (similar to
Emacs) for OS/2 or DOS.  Anyway -- for unknown reasons, Epsilon *will
not* recognize <CTRL>-<C>...  it recognizes <CTRL>, loves the C key,
but won't do both.  It's not a problem outside of this program.  Even
stranger (and the reason I post this here) -- it's not a problem on
any machine other than my 750.
Any ideas?
- Andrew