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new 750 BIOS availableRe: NameplateAnybody got their little name plate?

>>Monologue       (don't bother)
> Hey!  I think its cute!  (Not very useful, but cute!) 

Actually, found a couple of good uses for Monologue.
I had it read two columns of numbers I had just keyed
in to check while I looked at the source to check for typos.
The monolgue for windows thru DDE control provides an
outstanding way to grab the users attention with His or
Her name, followed by a message that may not be determinable
before run time (otherwise, just record a WAV file with
an admittedly easier to understand voice).
I wrote a program that paces me with may name and the
current time (spoken) at setable intervals.  Very helpful
in some deadline situations to stay on track.  It depends
on the activity you're pacing, of course.
Sometimes, I have sayfile.bat read me text sections when I'm
having trouble concentrating.
      I'll admit that the speech quality is only pretty
good,  Nevertheless, in certain applications, MONOLOGUE is
definitely useful.  (Just like sVGA in 256 colors is more
~USEFUL~ than black-and-white CGA).  Comments?