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Re: Squashed display

> the reason for the letterbox display is that on a TFT screen, unlike a CRT,
> the pixel positions are fixed, so when you are in text mode, which is
> 640 x 400 instead of 640 x 480, there is a mismatch of pixel counts

	This is also true of all LCD displays (Such as the 750 Monochrome
and the 750Cs--Dual-Scan passive-matrix), not just TFT's, buy the way...

Randy Whittle    whittle@scf.usc.edu
University of Southern California School of Business (Fight on, Trojans!)
 - Motorcycle nut, HP 48 & 100LX user, and...*Proud* to be Conservative!
 "It's not denial, I'm just very selective about the reality I accept." -Calvin
|  o o o   o  |  <o      o>  | Just because we disagree doesn't            |
| <><><>   <> |  /-+-- --+X  |    mean I have to kill you.                 |
| ||||||   || | />        <\ |  ...Unless, of course, I really want to...  |
(Standard disclaimers apply--and if you're a liberal wacko, go soak your head.)