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Comments on Schumann Configuration


The config.sys and autoexec.bat files you included are very close
to what I am running for the section of my multi-boot configuration
for windows and applications. I don't see a mouse driver? That and
the use of the ansi.sys driver appear to be the only major differences.
I am getting 588K of conventional memory (again, the difference is the
17K required for the mouse driver).

I changed my stacks configuration from 9,256 to 0,0 as you have done,
and now find that the slow connect on Procomm Plus has been reduced.

As for FRAME, it specifies the starting location of the expanded
memory pages, if you choose to use expanded memory. The Frame=C000 after
your EMS driver is unnecessary (from my understanding) for two reasons:
       1. C000 is the default location;
       2. NOEMS cancels out the use of expanded memory.

Let me know, I can upload copies of my boot files if you would like
to see the complete configuration (if anyone else on he list would
like to see these files, I would also be glad to upload them to the list
or email direct :-) ).

Tim Kary 

Tim Kary                              twkary@nucleus.cuc.ab.ca
403-262-7021   403-262-1392(FAX)      T.Kary@genie.geis.com
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert Einstein