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>>I just got this game called HOLY FIGHTER, Japanese game! All I can
>>say....INCREDIBLE sound through the 750c speaker! Imagine if I had
>>external speakers!!!! Full SoundBlaster support....graphics are just
>>unbelievable! I'm just amazed at the quality of the sound coming
>>through that tiny speaker, and the music this game has.
>>I'm not sure if this game is shareware or commercial, 'cause it's all in
>>Japanese. The opening screen of this game is FANTASTIC!!! Music is,
>>traditional Japanese.
>>Total of 5 disks (files):
>>      2
>>      3

>Is the game fully playable by someone who cannot read
>a word of japanese?  or is it not really worth it for
>the japanese iliterate?
Fully playable, most is icon based. Some areas you must experiment
around, such as *saving*, *sound control*, *brightness control* and a
few other things that I haven had the courage to try. ;) The first part
of the game puts you in a cemetery (you're a Samurai), you have these
Geisha (sp) girls floating above the ground, plus many other strange
characters. I've explored very little, but the game is loaded with
options, like I said before, most is in icon form...the rest you have
to experiment with. What really impressed me was the clarity, and type of
music used. If you're familiar with contemporary Japanese music, I swear
KITARO produced the musical score. Very *mystical* and *haunting* style
of music.

Loading the game is a bit tricky, since all options are in Japanese.
1. Create a TEMP directory in your C: drive
2. Unzip each file to that directory using -d option of PKUNZIP
3. From C: type    subst a: c:\temp
4. Change to a: and type INSTALL
5. (in Japanese now) First option:  A:
6. Second: C:\DEVIL
7. All the rest use the Y option
8. To run it you can use either: PLAY.BAT (puts you right into the intro
   screen. PPLAY.EXE automatically checks your system for Joystick etc,
   then brings you into intro.

>You mention zip files, etc...  do you know where I can get them?  (if
>you think it is somewhat legal, of course).
The legality issue can be questioned ;) I will be very happy to offer it
to anyone. It should be available in most larger BBS. This game has not
been released commercially here in the states. Strictly Japanese release,
and only about a couple months old. Whats so great about the
Soundblaster compatibility with this game, is that this game was created
very recently and in Japan. So for it to be compatible with the 750(c)
gives me great hope for future games. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a
gaming junky ;)...it's just nice to know that your IBM Laptop is not
strictly all business! :)

I'm using config's game option, 618 free conventional. With this I get
an occasional system lockup when I exit the game. But when I use my
regular (no NOEMS setting in line) setup i experience no such problem.

>Also FYI: check out Castle Wolfenstein 3D game on the thinkpad!  The
>first episode is available public domain (let me know if you need
>a place to ftp it from).  It also works well with the thinkpad
>sound (soundblaster mode).  The music sounds very so-so, but
>the digital sampled sound effects come through very well (machine
>gun blasts, doors opening in echoing hallways, nazi's shouting, etc)!
This is nice to know Todd, I'll try it.
Joseph Pereira