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Re: PCMCIA modem recomend

> >difficulty (getting that cover off is a *bear*--I've found the only way to
> >do it easily is to open the keyboard, remove the hard drive, and push the
> >little hook back).
> I find that the PCMCIA cover is very easy to remove by inserting a
> paper clip into the little groove on the side of the cover.  It seems
> to me that this groove was specifically put there for this purpose.

	I don't have much luck getting anything down that little groove.
> If you can't find one, you could order part 66G4423 Paper Clip from
> IBM.  heh heh.

	This would be funnier if it weren't so TRUE! :)
> By the way, I just bought the Megahertz XJ1144 modem at the new CompUSA
> super store in NYC for $280.

	Good price--but are you aware that MHz has had a model XJ2144 
available for some time now?  It emulates a 16550 UART chip--the XJ1144
does not.  You may want to exchange it.

Randy Whittle    whittle@scf.usc.edu
University of Southern California School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)
 - Motorcycle nut, HP 48GX & 100LX user, & lover of fine chocolate...
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