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RE: 3COM PCMCIA & Thinkpad

In message Tue, 3 May 94 13:42:12 CDT,
  tannenba@engr.wisc.edu (Todd Tannenbaum)  writes:

> The 3com board does _NOT_ work in the port replicator slots!! :-(
> It works fine in the 750 slots, but not in slot C or slot D in
> my port replicator.  I was very disappointed.  Has anyone got
> it to work in the port replicator (i doubt it...)

No, I have had exactly the same problem.  It would be nice to put the card
in the replicator and leave it there.

I called 3com tech
> support and bitched, and they called back and said they have an ibm pcmcia
> port replicator on order.  When it arrives (gee, even 3com has to wait
> for thinkpad stuff!) they say they will at least look into the problem.
> no promises, however.  they also said i was not the first one to complain
> about this.  i encourage others on this list to complain about this!
> the more people who bitch the higher priority 3com will place on fixing
> this.

What is the phone number? I will definitely call.


WPA@psu.edu         Rick Andrew <*> HRI Finance       WPA@psuvm.psu.edu
Penn State Univ            814-863-0272       University Park, PA 16802