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Re: TP750 EPP

> I keep telling myself I'm going to purchase laplink but haven't
> gotten around to it yet. (Any testimonials?) I assume the 1mb/s
> transfer rate is only possible if you have EPP ports on both ends
> of the link, right? I would think a plain unidirectional parallel port
> on either end would constrain throughput to the speed of that device.
> --Bruce

I have been using LapLink V for a few months now.  I use it to synchronize
my desktop with the laptop.

It took quite a while and lots of phone calls to the LapLink people and
to IBM Help people until I found the right formula.  My problem was that the
communication line between the two computers would die in the middle of
transmission (and the frustrating thing was that there was no easy way to
automatically pick up where it left off -- so it meant starting from fresh).

Bottom line -- I have found consistently good results ONLY when I use a
serial link between the two (parallel, though faster, would not work consis-
tently).  It runs at 115,200 baud.

IMPORTANT:  The TP750 MUST be brought up withOUT any of the TSRs running.  So
	    I do the most minimal boot of the laptop that I can.

Given that, the product works fine for me and does what I need.

If you want more specifics, please email me.

Len Jacobson