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Re: Processor Upgrade

Yesterday at COMDEX I asked the IBM Thinkpad reps if IBM would offer a 750
upgrade of any kind. The answer - No.  I then asked if there was any way to
swap out the motherboard. Same answer - No.  We're stuck with what we've
got.  Now, could we do it on our own?  I don't know - I've not yet dug far
enough into my machine to see if the processor chip is socketed. Has anyone
else done so?  Upgrading to a DX/2-66 is out because the 750 uses an SL
chip.   But what about the new 100mhz DX4, which is also a 3.3 volt
processor. I wonder if this one could be put in place of the SL33. Anyone know?

At 10:19 PM 5/25/94 -0400, NEDRY@ids.net wrote:
>Hi, I'm new to this list so I don't know if this question has been answered
>yet. Does anyone know if the processor on the TP-750Cs is upgradeable to a
  Wes Byrne
  Schlumberger Austin Systems Center
  8311 North FM 620 Road
  Austin, TX   78726-1300
  (512) 331-3411