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Re: Network cards

A belated reply.

I have a 750Cs and an IBM Credit Card Ethernet adapter.

Installation was pretty straightforward using IBM's supplied disk.

The main problem was that the Novell installation procedure didn't seem
to recognise the drivers on IBM's disk.

What I did was install any old driver supplied by Novell, then manually
copy IBM's driver into the right place and edit the autoexec accordingly.

This worked for both Dos & OS/2 (I have dual boot).

Under Dos, I run ODI + odipkt without any problems, though the default
pkt int vector of 0x60 didn't seem to work.  I settled for 0x68 in the end.

I can also run odi + nmodi (Netmanage's Chameleon driver) no problem.
I haven't found any raw packet drivers for this card, but odi + odipkt
will do for now.

I haven't tried odinsup under OS/2 on this machine yet, but have no reason
to believe it won't work (it does on my PS/2 OK).

Hope this is of interest.
