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Re: games with sound

> I've gotten the music to work, under an OS/2 DOS box.
> See Randal, OS/2 is good for something!  :)
>John Kim

	I'd like to just take a moment to let everyone know--especially
you OS/2 types--that I very much respect and admire the efforts that have
gone into OS/2, both on the part of IBM programmers and those rabid "Team
OS/2" folks who have made it their personal mission to see to it that OS/2
is on every PC.

	Those of you who are the *real* OS/2 nuts will recognize my last
name, but only if it were attached to a first name of "Dave"--yes, we're
related.  Yes--he's actually my brother.  And if you don't think I've heard
the best arguments in the world for OS/2 from him, then you are sadly

	As I've said, I've had it installed on my desktop PC 3 different
times in 3 different versions (though not on my TP750C), and believe me--
I gave it the hardware requirements it thirsted for (and then some).  I
*wanted* it to work--I *wanted* a true 32-bit multitasking monster.  All
I got was a wonderful operating system with few apps and lacking driver
support--and I didn't see any reason to run OS/2 just so I could run my
Windows apps--Windows did it better.  I feel I've given OS/2 a very fair
chance to work for me--its just that it always falls short.

	I've told Sean Chou already that if all the apps I used
suddenly popped up with OS/2 versions *tomorrow* (and I could get
them for the cost of disks or something)--then I'd switch back again
tomorrow.  If such an event occurred, then the driver support would follow
too.  I see OS/2's great potential, but the current reality just isn't as
bright as its future.

	Meanwhile, if OS/2 ever *really* catches on as something besides a
niche market, I'll be joining all of you in the future, and I have no doubt
it will be *because* of you people's efforts.  As for me, I'm just not willing
to "blaze the trail" myself (unlike my brother Dave, I don't get paid to
do it nor do I get all sorts of free OS/2 apps handed to me because I'm an
OS/2 marketing guru)--I've got work to do.  :)

Randy Whittle    whittle@chaph.usc.edu
University of Southern California School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)
 - Motorcycle nut, HP 48GX & 100LX user, & lover of fine chocolate...
 "It's not denial, I'm just very selective about the reality I accept!" -Calvin
 "Consensus is the negation of leadership." - Margaret Thatcher