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Problem with netware and Thinkpad 750 Audio 1.10 ??

Hi All,

I've come across a rather confusing problem with the Audio Features 1.1 
setup.  I have a 3c589 PCMCIA ethernet card installed in my TP 750.  When 
I originally got the Thinkpad, I set up drivers to run the 3c589 using 
NETX, VLM's and Personal Netware.  All this worked OK (it was just a bit 

Having thought of a better way to handle all my different setups and 
having obtained the later versions of the Video, Audio and general 
features disks, along with the DOS 6.3 upgrade, I reinstalled the system 
from scratch.

This all went fine until I tried to use the 3c589 card.  When I run the 
3c589 startnet (NETX or VLM) and log in I cannot run windows - it comes 
back with the message
	PROGMAN.EXE causes a General Protection Fault in module
	IBMMME.DRV at 0005:0078

The strange thing is that I can be connected without it being a problem - 
it is only when I actually log in that it gives me the error.

There doesn't appear to be any conflicts.  There weren't any before I 
reinstalled.  It's not even that easy to go back to the old setup.  Has 
anyone experienced this problem ?  Any solutions ?  I heard there was a 
version 1.3 of the Audio Features, but couldn't find it on the IBM 
(Australia) BBS - Does it exist somewhere.

Thanks in Advance
Signed Desperate :)