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I apologise for sending this to the 750 list but I imagine this is where 
the most expertise is.

My girlfriend has a 750 with which she is very pleased, and I am looking 
to buy a laptop.  I am considering two currently: the Thinkpad 360 and 
Toshiba 1910.  I'd just likke to know a few of the technical specs of the 

I'm looking at an SL33, Monochrome, 200MB HDD, 8MB Ram.
(a) can the processor on the 360 be upgraded (ie. not hardwired)
(b) what is the video resolution on the external monitor
    is it 1MB video ram?
(c) will the UART on the serial port supportreliable 14.400 file transfers?
(d) are the screen, disk and memory user upgradeable?
(e) are the power management / power monitoring features the same?
(f) is the case / keyboard / disk etc. identical between 750/360 models?

Thanks, and if there is a relevant newsgroup (other than 
comp.sys.laptops) please let me know.