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>From andy Thu Jun 30 17:30:24 EDT 1994 remote from spencer.salem.ge.com
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Message-Id: <m0qJTgg-0000EDC@spencer.salem.ge.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 94 17:30:24 EDT
From: andy@spencer.salem.ge.com (Andy Spencer)
To:   TP750@CS.UTK.EDU
Subject: Re: Serial port & Modems (External)
In-Reply-To: Message from owner-tp750@CS.UTK.EDU of 30-Jun-94
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>From: Randal Whittle <whittle@chaph.usc.edu>
>	Is there anyone on this list who uses the external serial port
>and connects a v.32bis modem to it?  I realize lots of you have PCMCIA
>modems, but I'm curious as to any who just have a plain 'ol external.
>	I am using hardware flow control locked at 19200 in both Windows
>and in Procomm Plus for Win (which is the same as I use on my desktop--except
>that on the desktop I lock them at 57600).  I presume that the ThinkPad's
>external serial port does *noot* have a 16550 UART which might be the
>problem.                                ^^^^^^^^^^

 BINGO.  it's got a 16450.  We've seen the same problem in UNIX, it just
 doesn't seem to work worth a hoot above 9600.

>  Is there any way around this?  Would I have to get software
>serial port drivers (like turbocomm) or a PCMCIA modem to communicate at
>14.4K baud or higher?                                                

 We've been using a real-time UNIX which usually has no problem keeping up
 with a USR Courier w/ v.32, but we've had to give up on the 750's COM1 port.
 Even a direct SL/IP line is only good at 9600.  Sorry...

--                                       GGGG    EEEEE  DDDD    SSSS 
      Andy Spencer                     G        E      D   D  S      
   andy@spencer.salem.ge.com          G  GGG   EEE    D   D   SSSS   
   (703) 387-7361 (Voice)            G    G   E      D   D       S   
   (703) 387-8651 (Fax)              GGGGG   EEEEE  DDDD    SSSS     
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
GE Drive Systems     1501 Roanoke Blvd / Rm  287       Salem, VA  24153