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MathCAD & Win32s

	As long as we're talking about Mathematica and Win32s extensions
on the TP750C, I'd like to ask one and all if anyone else out there uses
MathCAD (especialy on the 750).

	My installation of MathCAD 5.0 went flawlessly on the desktop
and works just fine.  The same install on my TP had the win32s extension
problem...  But I made the necessary fixes and all is well.

	But one problem (with MathCAD) on the TP--MathCAD will not load
its "Symbolic" processor to do symbolic math.  It does just fine on my
desktop, but not my TP.  I have 12 MB RAM and an 8 MB swapfile (as recommended
by MathCAD), so I don't think it is for lack of system resources.

	My only thought is maybe I should just try re-installing it,
now that I've got Win32s extensions ironed out.  Maybe it couldn't fully
install itself since it hung when putting in the Win32s extensions.  Its just
that the install routine was so gosh-awful slowwwwww...

Randy Whittle    whittle@chaph.usc.edu
University of Southern California School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)
 - Motorcycle nut, HP 48GX & 100LX user, & lover of fine chocolate...
 "It's not denial, I'm just very selective about the reality I accept!" -Calvin
 "Consensus is the negation of leadership." - Margaret Thatcher