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heeeelp...installing linux...


Can ANYONE give a no-nonsense idiot-proof guide to installing linux on a 
TP 750C w/ 340 HD?

I'm at wit's end...

I got the Thinkpad 750 "kernel" from peipa.essex.ac.uk (/pub/tp750).

Now what?

I don't know what to do...

I downloaded the SCSI bootimage from tsx-mit.edu.  Ran that.  SHeld down 
the left shift key to specify the hard drive type.  Did that.  When it 
asks for another disk...what do i insert???  If I need to make the 
patches outlined...then how do I do that when I can install off the 
floppy in order to make the %^#$%@ patches??????  

(Sorry if I seem like I'm griping...I'm just PO'ed at linux...)