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Windows 3.1 memory problems w. 1.30 video drivers

I recently upgraded monitors and decided to freshen up my TP750's video
drivers to v1.30 to get the latest and greatest support for 1024x768.  Now
I'm getting a rash of "Insufficient memory to run <x>" errors and the like,
even when relatively few programs are running.  This with 12 Megs of RAM,
and a 29 Meg permanent swapfile.  Meanwhile, my desktop machine, with 4 Meg
less RAM, a smaller swapfile, and the same 1 Meg of video memory, lets me
open 3-4 times as many apps before it bitches.

Why the difference?  Is there something dodgy about my ThinkPad's setup?
I've compared system.ini's between the two machines and there are no glaring
differences.  Any of you Windows gurus have some ideas?



Tim Vetter     vetter@hookup.net       

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           voice (+1)519/579-9904  fax (+1)519/571-9520

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           voice (+49)69/979-100-96  fax (+49)69/702-254