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Future of Thinkpads?

A recent posting in the OS/2 newsgroups said according to the author's
contacts at IBM and/or stuff he'd read in OS/2 magazines, IBM is going to
build Personal Dictation System (voice recognition) hardware into its future

And I was hoping I wouldn't have to replace my 750 for a few years.  :)
John H. Kim        jokim@jarthur.cs.hmc.edu        This message sent by NUPop
Cartoon by Mike Luckovich:
Briefer: "Intelligence reports North Korea's new leader is erratic, overweight
          and has a big hairdo.  He wasn't in the military which may lessen
          his sway with the armed forces.  He's obsessed with women ..."
Clinton: "Lemme guess.  He also plays the saxophone ..."