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Re: prolonging battery life

> I've just placed the order with IBM for a TP360.  I'm now looking for a 
> wordprocessor that's battery friendly.  I currently use Word 2.0c, but it 
> appears to be too disk intensive for my little battery.  Toshiba took 
> pleasure in telling me Claris Works only fires up the hard drive for saves 
> and loads, but I know noone that can verify this.  IF anyone has found a 
> battery friendly windows based wordprocessor could they please let me 
> know.  I'd still use Word for my presentation quality work (hell I've 
> paid for it I may as well use it!), so the wordprocessor doesn't need to 
> be a DTP system!

	Having more memory makes a big difference--otherwise the disk
activity you see may well be the swapfile activity.

	I use Ami Pro with no apparent disk activity (but I also have 12 MB)
except for saves, loads, and spell checks.  Maybe something else, but
certainly not a lot.

Randy Whittle    whittle@chaph.usc.edu         |   My opinions are mine, but  |
USC School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)| since I'm right, they should |
 (How's this for a snotty .sig?  Well, I guess |         be yours too.        |
  it's better than an ASCII of a nude woman!)