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Please, no os wars :)

>>	To me, the question is not whether there is an advantage to PC-DOS,
>>but rather, "Is there any advantage to MS-DOS?"  The answer to me at least,
>>is NO (except for the editor).  I cannot imagine why anyone would voluntarily
>>beef up Microsoft coffers just to install essentially duplicate software onto
>>their thinkpad.  If you like the MS-DOS editor, copy that file and the QBasic
>>file and be done with it.  There is no reason in the world to dump PC-DOS
>>for the MS version--its just plain silly.

        It wasn't a question of coffers, the msdos was sitting unused, came
with the box I'm linuxing on.  And it was largely prompted by the 9 meg in
the pcdos dir.  I don't use much of that, in fact, I've been trying out 4dos
lately, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna stick to that anyway..

>Score one for MS-DOS over PC-DOS. 

        I did use stacker on my 720, but I'm avoiding it for now.. 

>     folks may want to consider Infinite Disk from Chili Pepper Software....

        I remember reading about that, do you use it?  I kinda like the
idea, at least of compressing unused files.  I keep most of my windows help
files compressed, and when I need to look something up I launch them from

        All things considered, I would hate to see an ibm vs ms fight on
this list, too :)  I use ms windows, but bought a copy of os/2 because I
want to support it..
Jesse Montrose          jesse@netcom.com jesse@xaostools.com cis:76646,3302
                        I don't recycle, I'm a consumer, damn it, I consume.