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Re: FuelGauge vs Modem programs

I am amazed you are able to run PC-Xware with the windows Fuel program 
running.  I have always had to exit from it in order to run PC-Xware.

The Fuel program is flaky.  I have found it a good idea to disable it when
I have encountered a "strange" result, and this often solves the problem.

Len Jacobson

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>From @amdahl.uts.amdahl.com:owner-tp750@CS.UTK.EDU Wed Aug 10 18:51 PDT 1994
X-Resent-To: tp750@CS.UTK.EDU ; Wed, 10 Aug 1994 21:16:48 EDT
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 1994 21:16:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: padwad@psd.gs.com (Danny Padwa)
Subject: FuelGauge vs Modem programs
To: tp750@CS.UTK.EDU
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT

	Is it just me, or is the fuel gauge program (under windows)
really unpleasant when being used with a modem program?

	I just updated all of my drivers (utility disk 1.31), but the
windows fuel program still gets "unstable" when I bring up PC-Xware.
Or try to Fax.

	Any thoughts??   To whom does one complain at IBM?


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