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New member intro

Hi.  I'm new on this mail list.  I'm Jon Kirwan, self-employed as a 
consultant for programming of scientific instruments and some electronics 
design work.  I have an autistic daughter who uses all of the Living 
Books series of CD-ROM programs and some others on a daily basis.  
Getting a portable with multi-media capabilities is foremost in my mind.  
We also intend to use it for my programming or my wife's script writing 
when travel is involved.  (We take our daughter out on tours, showing how 
the computer and software can work together well to help develop better
communications skills.  We do not sell these products nor do we charge 
anyone for our help, at least in this area.)

We have _not_ purchased a portable yet, but the 755C is high on my list.  
The only reason for delay is the high cost and low availability.
