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Re: PCMCIA, EZPLAY and 3COM 3c589

> I have an IBM TP750 with 12 Meg of RAM and a 340 Meg HD. I also
> have a 3com 3C589 ethernet card in slot 1 and a Megahertz XJACK
> in slot two. Up until today I was using the card services software
> that came with the XJACK.

	I'm thinking of getting an XJack modem (but I'm waiting for a
V.34) and I already have the 3Com card you speak of.  A question:  Can you 
use the 3Com card on the network and the Xjack modem at the same time, or
does the 3Com card physically interfere with the phone like connection in the
XJack thing?
> I got the EZPLAY software and installed it. The modem works fine,
> but the 3com card's STATUS is listed as not ready in the 
> windows ezplay software.

	The point is--does it *function*?  If so, who cares what EZPlay has to
say about the 3Com card?

	Just FYI, the 3Com card doesn't require or use any of the EZPlay or
PCMCIA card services drivers.  In fact, sometimes these drivers cause it
problems.  At any rate, as long as it functions, don't be concerned what
EZPlay has to say about the 3Com card.
Randy Whittle    whittle@chaph.usc.edu         |   My opinions are mine, but  |
USC School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)| since I'm right, they should |
 (How's this for a snotty .sig?  Well, I guess |         be yours too.        |
  it's better than an ASCII of a nude woman!)