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Re: Warp II

In message Sun, 25 Sep 94 01:09:59 -0500,
  ychou@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Sean Chou)  writes:

>>Just in case you don't know, IBM announced it will release OS/2 3.0 in
>>October.  A couple announcements by OS/2 User's Groups indicate
>>rollout will be around Oct. 12-13.

> Is that the full blown version of OS/2? Or the ...for Windows version?

OS/2 for Windows version.  The full version is supposed to be tied up in
court because Microsoft says that owners of OS/2 with Win-OS/2 don't hold a
license for Microsoft Windows (then what were all those royalty payments
about?).  It's supposed to be out shortly after OS/2 fW.  I suspect IBM's
lawyers are as good, if not better than Microsoft's lawyers.

It will include a redesigned WPS (better icons at last - hooray), lower
memory requirements (it's supposed to really work this time in 4MB), faster
speed.  Most interesting is that it will include Internet support.  I'm not
sure how it's being packaged, but tools like mail, news, telnet, ftp, and a
web browser are all included.  Access is via a 1-800 number (you're given a
number of free hours to start off, like the trial CompuServe memberships)
meaning you can user your notebook to connect to the Internet from anywhere.
It's supposed to work if you have other means of connecting to the Internet

Please forgive me if this is sounding like an advertisement for OS/2.  I
just thought it was of wide interest seeing as all of us have Internet
access, and almost all of us have notebooks capable of running OS/2.
John H. Kim  jokim@mit.edu  jokim@x8.csrd.uiuc.edu  This message sent by NUPop
Cartoon by Mike Luckovich:
Briefer: "Intelligence reports North Korea's new leader is erratic, overweight
          and has a big hairdo.  He wasn't in the military which may lessen
          his sway with the armed forces.  He's obsessed with women ..."
Clinton: "Lemme guess.  He also plays the saxophone ..."