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Re: Question on the 32 RAM upgrade

>>why would one want the DIMM over the 32 MB card
>>(because you can put two of them in = 68MB total)
>Does that mean that I must remove the 4 Mb?  Sorry, I still don't get it.
>Is that a 32 Mb DIMM + a 32 Mb Card?  or 2 32 Mb DIMMs?  And do the DIMMs
>work w/ the 750 series also (I mean...do they only work for the newer models?)?.
>Derek V. Chan                 | Harvard University    | chan4@husc.harvard.edu
>Biochemistry & Molecular Bio. | Senior - Class of '94 | =======================
>===================== Yale WHO?  Don't they make locks? =======================
> "You wouldn't be here if you already knew everything. . ." - Organic Chem. TF

    Here is the summary of difference between IC-DRAM & DIMMs. Hope
    this helps.

	      IC-DRAM               DIMMs           Total RAM 
			    Socket 1    Socket 2
		2M             x           x          6M
		4M            4M           x          8M
		8M            4M          4M         12M
		8M            8M           x         12M
		 x            8M          4M         16M
               16M            8M          8M         20M
               16M           16M           x         20M
		 x           16M          4M         24M
		 x           16M          8M         28M
		 x           16M         16M         36M
		 x           32M           x         36M
		 x           32M          4M         40M
		 x           32M          8M         44M
		 x           32M         16M         52M
		 x           32M         32M         68M

    P.S. The DIMMs need DIMM adapter that has two sockets for expansion.
