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Re: Why no third party solutions?

> I find it strange that Apple's Powerbook and Duo series have several dock
> and accessory options, yet there are none for the Thinkpads. Why no third
> party port replicators, battery chargers, batteries(!) or AC adaptors?

	Anyone wanna wager that Apple Powerbooks sell more units than
do IBM ThinkPads?

	I know the whole PC-Compatible market vastly outweighs the Macs,
but I'm willing to bet that of all *individual* notebook computers on the
market, Apple probably sells the most (Powerbooks).

	If true, this would explain the ton of 3rd party add-ons for the

	Funny--I was just thinking it would be a good business opportunity
for a person to attack the niche of 3rd party notebook products (batteries
& chargers in particular) in the major-notebook market (IBM, Toshiba, etc.).

	I'm learning how to write business plans for my senior emphasis
in entrepreneurship.  Anyone want to volunteer more info on this feasibility?

> What I'd really like to see is a mini-dock with SCSI on it. The regular

	Me too.  ;)

-----                                          ________________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@chaph.usc.edu         |  Some guy hit my fender the  |
USC School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)|other day, and I said unto him|
  (My opinions are mine, but since I'm         |  "Be fruitful and multiply." |
    right, they should be yours too.)          |   --but not in those words.  |