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Message-Id: <m2eacbfd8_6cd1_1@kobra.efd.lth.se>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 1994 09:20:36 +0100
From: Erik Lindahl <f91el@efd.lth.se>
To: ychou@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Sean Chou)
Cc: tp750@cs.utk.edu, f91el@efd.lth.se
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 25 Oct 1994 02:28:38 EST."
Subject: Re: Video wierdness under OS/2 WARP 

I know of another problem with the Warp betas and ThinkPads;
apparently the external higher resolutions are NOT supported!
I noticed this myself on the Warp II, and a number of people have reported
that this is not fixed in the gamma pre-release!

Let's just hope that they fix it in GA, or at least produce a TP-bugfix
soon after release....

(Hm.. IBM make wonderful machines; but it would be i good idea to make 
their own OS work on their own machines...)

BTW, i read a folder the other day TP 755 CE/CD and the new TFT-screen. 
They specify that it can display up to 65,536 colours. Has anybody 
tested the new drivers with our old machines? (Is the video chip the same? 
It would be nice to have more colours, even if it's only on ext. screen?)

