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Re: Hi...anyone know how to get a Syquest 270 Mb to boot on the 750c?

In message Thu, 10 Nov 1994 07:37:14 -0800 (PST),
  Randal Whittle <whittle@chaph.usc.edu>  writes:

>> Hi!  I read the instructions that came w/ the Dock II, but my Syquest
>>    still insists on being assigned SCSI ID #1.  I even set the jumper on
>>  the   back of the drive to read "ID 0" but i think the SCAM support in
>>  the Dock   II forces it to go to SCSI ID 1.  Does anyone know how to
>> get my SCSI   drive recognized as ID 0?
> 	They key question here is in asking whether ThinkPad Owners using
> a the Dock II can use the SCSI setup to *boot* from.  I don't know the
> answer to that...

If you go to the TP BIOS setup (turn machine off, hold down F1, turn it on),
one of the setup options is the startup device order.  You might try putting
HDD2 (or HDD3 or HDD4) in the first slot and see if that does the trick.
I'm guessing it *has* to work with a dock because there really is no other
way to add another hard drive.
| |                                                                       |
| | John H. Kim      "None of what you are seeing is actually happening." |
| | jokim@mit.edu                                                         |
| | jokim@uni.uiuc.edu     - disclaimer for TV movie 'Without Warning'    |