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Re: Warp & SVGA video

Whoa a lot of questions  in a little space. But I will tell you my
experience with Warp 3.0 on my machine TP750C 20Meg RAM 340 HD.

I run the following PCMCIA cards .

Megahertz X-JACK ( excellent)
IBM 16/4 Token ring card ( excellent )
3-com combo ethernet. ( shows under plug and play but haven't really
tried that hard to get it running under OS/2 ).

I also have the Iomega PP 250 tape backup. Support is good but the 
windows software has more features than the OS/2 although the OS/2 has
full suport for HPFS. 

I am not going to re-install stacker as I am waiting for an 810 Meg HD

All in all the new OS/2 is AWESOME on my setup the video drivers are 
noticeably faster and the whole OS just hums. I have had NO bugs but
I did do a complete reformat of my drive prior to the Warp install.

Martin P. Smith msmith@netcom.COM

On Wed, 23 Nov 1994, Victor Kress wrote:

> It sounds like the SVGA problem is solved (more or less). This leaves only
> the APM problem.  I'm probably not the only one who is anxious to leave the
> windows world behind, but not brave, or unoccupied enough to become a gamma
> tester (i.e. owner of an x.0 version:).  Still, I'm chafing at the bit.  Is
> the PCMCIA driver support better than the old os/2?  Has anyone used warp
> with a 3com card, or a megaherz modem?  How about scsi cards and parallel
> tape backups (iomega in particular)?  How is the win32s support?  Is
> parallel_3 really reserved for subspace communication under warp? :)  Is
> system installation or maintenance a big time sink?  How is the speed and
> stability running windows apps (it's a windows world after all).  Any
> relevant info would be appreciated.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Victor Kress
> Carnegie Institution of Washington, Geophysical Laboratory
> 5251 Broad Branch Road N.W.
> Washington, D.C. 20015-1305
> (202) 686-2410 x2489
> ------------------------------------------------------------