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It's a BOY!

RW>Just a quick announcement to all:

RW>Last night on December 1 at 6:08 pm, we were blessed with the
RW>arrival of MacLean Parker Whittle.  He weighed in at 6 lbs, 14 oz.
RW>and measured 19 inches in length.  His hairline looks something like
RW>his grandfather's.  ;)  Mom looks surprisingly slender--that pregnant
RW>gut was all baby and nothing else!  All the nurses were jealous.

Congratulations !  And sleep while you can <g> !


patrick.whittick@fonix.org - Patrick Whittick in Daventry, England

. CMPQwk 1.42-17 9237 . 'M ST*P*D - I'd like to buy a vowel Pat.  An 'O' please.

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