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Waverunner PCMCIA Modem

Comments:  Looks nice, too bad v.34 won't be in it until June however.

IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem
Announced on December 6, 1994 
PRODUCT Announcement 194-413
The IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem allows direct,
high-speed remote connectivity over ISDN (Integrated Services Digital
Network) or standard telephone lines for laptop, notebook, and other
computers equipped with PCMCIA Type II slots.  The speeds
achieved are:
o  Up to 128 Kbps for ISDN (without compression)
o  Up to 14.4 Kbps for standard telephone service (without
   -  With a future software upgrade, up to 28.8 Kbps (V.34)
This dual feature allows the user to access applications via ISDN
when available (for example, from home or a local office) and via
standard telephone service when ISDN is not available (for example,
from a hotel, an airport, or a client's office).  It's an excellent
choice for those who need to work from home or on the road.
ISDN's increased speed lowers the cost of transmitting data, and
increases productivity by reducing the time required to send and
receive data, graphics, and video.
Purchase Prices:
o  Single adapter -- $595
o  Pack of five adapters -- $2,885
o  Pack of 30 adapters -- $17,310
Planned Availability Dates:
o  February 24, 1995, with the exception of:
   -  Common Application Programming Interface (CAPI)
   -  WinISDN application programming interface (API) for Microsoft**
   -  Data compression using V.42bis over V.120
   -  Support for VN4 network standards
o  April 28, 1995, for:
   -  CAPI
   -  WinISDN API for Microsoft Windows
   -  Data compression using V.42bis over V.120
   -  Support for VN4 network standards
o  June 30, 1995, for:
   -  V.34 (28.8 Kbps)
**    Product or company name is a trademark or registered trademark
      of its respective holder.
+     Trademark of Microsoft Corporation
(TM)  Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation
IN BRIEF . . .
| The IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem, operating under   |
| Microsoft Windows 3.1, provides:                                  |
|                                                                   |
| o  The flexible dual function of high-speed ISDN and analog       |
|    connections                                                    |
| o  A free software upgrade to V.34 (28.8 Kbps)                    |
| o  ISDN Basic Rate Interface 2B + D channels                      |
| o  Packet level bonding for IP packets, to provide an aggregate   |
|    data rate of 128 Kbps, without compression                     |
| o  Data compression up to 4:1, when using V.42/V.42b              |
| o  Data compression up to 2:1, when using MNP 4/5**               |
| o  Data compression up to 4:1, when using V.42bis over V.120      |
| o  Communication Port, CAPI, and NDIS application programming     |
|    interfaces                                                     |
| o  WinISDN application programming interfaces                     |
| o  Modem emulation to provide communications through ISDN with    |
|    existing analog modems and fax machines                        |
| o  Reduced network costs through line consolidation using ISDN    |
|    services                                                       |
| o  The ability to run many existing, widely used modem            |
|    application programs at speeds up to 64 Kbps over ISDN         |
| o  Remote local area network (LAN) access, when used in           |
|    conjunction with the IBM LAN Distance(TM) family of software   |
|    products or similar products                                   |
| o  Interoperation with other ISDN products such as Network        |
|    Express Interhub and Combinet** CB 150                         |
| o  5ESS, DMS/100, National ISDN-1, Euro-ISDN (EDSS-1), and 1TR6   |
|    ISDN switch protocol support                                   |
|                                                                   |
| Note: The planned availability date for CAPI, WinISDN, and        |
| V.42bis over V.120 is April 28, 1995.  Planned availability for   |
| V.34 is June 30, 1995.                                            |
In the all-pervasive telecommunications environment, digital
technology is rapidly replacing the conventional analog methods for
transmission of voice, data, and images.  The Integrated Services
Digital Network (ISDN) uses digital technology for simultaneous
transmission of voice, data, and images through standard interfaces
over a single telephone line served by digital switches.  The Basic
Rate ISDN (BRI) provides two B channels for transmission of digitized
voice or data at speeds up to 64 kilobits per second (Kbps) per B
channel (without compression), and a D channel for transmission of
signalling information at 16 Kbps.
The IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem is an adapter that
provides ISDN Basic Rate and standard telephone line connectivity to
laptop, notebook, and other personal computers with PCMCIA Type II
adapter slots.
The first unique feature of the adapter is its ability to communicate
through ISDN with devices such as modems and fax machines attached to
an existing analog telephone line.  This functionality allows end
users to have a mix of devices distributed over ISDN and analog
lines, while maintaining the ability to communicate from devices
attached to an ISDN line with those on an analog line.
The second unique feature of this adapter is the ability to connect
to ISDN and standard telephone services by switching adapter cables.
Thus, the mobile user can connect to whatever type of telephone
service is being offered at different locations (for example, branch
office, home, airport, hotel, and so on).
The adapter also supports many existing, widely used modem
application programs at speeds up to 64 Kbps over ISDN, and up to
14.4 Kbps (without using compression) on analog modems.  The two ISDN
B channels may be bonded together, achieving 128 Kbps transmission
data rates using the NDIS interface.  In addition, the analog modem
support can be enhanced with a free V.34 (28.8 Kbps) software upgrade
available June 30, 1995.
The functions supported under a Windows 3.1 environment are:
o  Flexible dual-function ISDN or standard telephone service
o  Free V.34 (28.8 Kbps) software upgrade.
o  S/T ISDN Basic Rate Interface, 2B + D.
   -  Speeds up to 64 Kbps on a single B channel, and a D channel at
      16 Kbps.
   -  Passive bus.
o  Communication Port Type I and Type II serial port emulation.
   -  Permits use of existing PC modem communications software.
o  Modem emulation.
   -  Permits PCs attached to ISDN to communicate with devices such
      as PCs and fax machines attached to existing analog telephone
   -  Data compression.
      -- Provides 2:1 compression for a significant increase in
         throughput by using MNP 4/5 data compression on modems.
      -- Provides 4:1 compression for a significant increase in
         throughput by using V.42/V.42bis data compression on modems.
o  Fax emulation.
   -  Enables PCs to exchange standard Group 3 facsimile data with
      fax machines connected to an existing analog telephone network,
      when using the fax application program shipped with the adapter
      or other class 2 fax applications running under Windows 3.1.
o  Hayes** AT command set.
   -  "AT" command sequences are accepted and executed.
o  Remote LAN access.
   -  When used with the IBM LAN Distance set of software products
      (or similar software), allows a stand-alone workstation to
      access a remote LAN for all available LAN services.
o  TCP/IP applications.
   -  With the TCP/IP Protocol Stack installed, a wide range of
      TCP/IP applications will be supported via:
      -- RFC 1294 over ISDN.
      -- Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP).
      -- IP packets over ISDN.
o  Rate adaptation.
   -  Allows V.120 encapsulation of async data.
   -  Permits interoperability with ISDN/async terminal adapters.
o  WinISDN API for Microsoft Windows.
   -  This is an application programming interface (API) for the
      Microsoft Windows environment that provides access to the
      Internet when the WaveRunner PCMCIA is used in conjunction with
      Internet Chameleon**, a software product from NetManage**, Inc.
      This API also extends the interoperability of WaveRunner PCMCIA
      with other ISDN products, such as MAX Digital Access Server
      from Ascend** Communications, Inc., that support Point to Point
      Protocol (PPP).
o  Data compression -- V.42bis over V.120.
   -  Provides up to 4:1 compression resulting in an effective data
      rate of up to 256 Kbps, using V.42bis over V.120, at 64 Kbps.
o  CAPI.
   -  Common Application Programming Interface (CAPI) Version 1.1.
      This permits the use of ISDN application programs written for
o  NDIS.
   -  NDIS is a widely used API that conforms to the Network Driver
      Interface Specifications.  NDIS provides a high-speed interface
      for many applications written for this API.
   -  The two B channels, when used in packet level bonding mode,
      provide an aggregate data rate of 128 Kbps for IP packets.
Note: The planned availability date for CAPI, WinISDN, and V.42bis
over V.120 is April 28, 1995.  Planned availability for V.34 is
June 30, 1995.
The following non-IBM programs are shipped with the adapter as a
convenience to our customers:
o  Fax Application for Windows.
   When used in conjunction with this application program running
   under Windows 3.1, the adapter allows a personal computer to send
   or receive Group 3 faxes.  Thus, customers can take immediate
   advantage of the adapter's fax capability.
o  Communication Port Accelerator.
   A set of communication drivers for Microsoft Windows that improves
   throughput, for high-speed data transfers.
Examples of PC modem communications programs supported by the adapter
o  Crosstalk**
o  DynaComm**
o  Smartcomm**
o  QModem**
o  Windows Terminal+
o  HCL-eXceed/W**
o  PC Anywhere**
o  Chameleon
+     Windows Terminal is one of the operational modes of Microsoft
      Windows 3.1.
Cost Advantage
With the increased speed due to ISDN, the end users can take
advantage of these services for:
o  Lower cost per bit of data transmitted
o  Increased user productivity by reducing the time required to send
   and receive data, graphics, and video
Quality Improvements
The IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem provides connectivity
to ISDN services, which use digital technology.  This method of
transmission has been proven over time to be highly reliable and
superior in quality to other transmission methods.
Connectivity and Integration
As customers migrate part of their networks to ISDN, the IBM
WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem offers connectivity for ISDN
devices to communicate with those on an existing telephone network,
thus enabling customers to gradually grow their networks to the
desired environment to meet their business needs.
Access to Enterprise Data
The adapter provides ISDN and analog connectivity to stand-alone
workstations for communications with other remote devices on an
establishment/enterprise network which may be either an ISDN or an
existing analog telephone network.  In this way, the stand-alone
workstations can access establishment/enterprise data.  In addition,
the adapter, in conjunction with the IBM LAN Distance products,
provides remote LAN access.  Thus, the stand-alone workstation can
have access to all available LAN services and enterprise data
The adapter's functionality can be enhanced via new software upgrades
as they become available.  This ability protects customers'
The IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem has been tested for
interoperability with other ISDN products such as Network Express
Interhub and Combinet CB 150.  The WinISDN API on the IBM WaveRunner
PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem will further extend its interoperability
to include other ISDN products, such as MAX Digital Access Server
from Ascend Communications, Inc., that support Point to Point
Protocol (PPP).
In addition, the IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem
interoperates with the IBM ISDN Primary Rate Adapter to provide a
connectivity solution for both the ISDN Primary Rate and Basic Rate
Interfaces for applications such as remote LAN access.  For more
information on the IBM ISDN Primary Rate Adapter, please refer to
Hardware Announcement 194-121.
Open Enterprise
The IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem supports the following
o  Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) standards
   -  AT&T 5ESS Custom
   -  Northern DMS/100 (Pre-National ISDN-1)
   -  National ISDN-1
   -  Euro-ISDN
   -  1TR6
   -  VN4
o  Adapter card interface
   -  PCMCIA Type II
o  Modem interface
   -  V.32bis (14.4K), V.32 (9.6K), V.22bis (2.4K), V.22 (1.2K), V.21
      (300), Bell 212 (1.2K), Bell 103 (300), future software upgrade
      to V.34 (28.8 Kbps)
o  Hardware/software interface (software API)
   -  Communication port
   -  AT command set
   -  NDIS
   -  CAPI
o  Compression/recovery standards
   -  MNP 5/4 (2 to 1)
   -  V.42bis/V.42
The IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem provides similar
functions to the IBM WaveRunner Digital Modem and the IBM PCMCIA
14.4/14.4 Data/Fax Modem.
Because this adapter is for portable computers, analog support is
also provided.  Mobile users have the flexibility of using ISDN or
analog lines with a single adapter.  The IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN
or Analog Modem offers high-speed transmission in a mobile
The IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem was designed for the
following customer sets and industries:
o  Mobile computer users
   -  Sales
   -  Service
   -  Business professionals
o  Laptop, notepad, and other PCMCIA Type II enabled computers that
   need remote connection requiring higher transmission rates
   -  Work at home environments
   -  Branch office to home office connections
   -  Bulletin board connections
IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem Installation and Testing
Instructions (part number 04H7738) is shipped with the product.
The System Library Subscription Service (SLSS) is not available for
this publication.
Displayable Softcopy Publications
IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem Installation and Testing
Instructions is offered in displayable softcopy form.  The
displayable manual is part of the basic machine-readable material.
The files are shipped on the same media type as the basic
machine-readable material.
This displayable manual can be used with the Win Help Read licensed
programs in any of the supported environments.  Terms and conditions
for use of the machine-readable files are shipped with the files.
Specified Operating Environment
Physical Specifications:
o  PCMCIA Type II, Versions 2.00, 2.01, and 2.1
   -  Width:  54 mm
   -  Length:  85 mm
   -  Depth:  5 mm
Operating Environment:
o  Temperature:  10(degs) to 40(degs)C (50(degs) to 104(degs)F)
o  Relative Humidity:  8% to 80%
o  FCC Class B
Hardware Requirements:  The minimum system requirements are:
o  16 MHz 386SX or above system processor
o  PCMCIA Type II, Versions 2.00, 2.01, and 2.1
o  System memory
   -  4MB or more, excluding cache, for Windows 3.1 environment
o  Hard disk space
   -  At least 5MB free
o  VGA display monitor
o  3.5-inch, 1.44MB floppy disk drive
o  PS/2(R) or Microsoft compatible mouse recommended
Note: In the US and Canada a Network Terminator (NT1), such as the
IBM 7845 Network Terminator Extended, is needed to connect to the
Supported Modems:  Analog communications are supported with the
following modem types:
o  Bell 103, Bell 212, V.21, V.22, V.22bis, V.32, V.32bis
o  Future software upgrade to V.34 (28.8 Kbps)
ISDN communications are supported with the following analog modem
types using modem emulation:
o  Bell 103, Bell 212, V.21, V.22, V.22bis, V.32, V.32bis
Supported PSTN Switch Protocol Types:  The supported switch protocol
types are:
o  AT&T 5ESS with 5E7 software level
o  Northern Telecom DMS/100 with BCS-33, 34, or 35 software level
o  National ISDN-1 compatible switches
o  Euro-ISDN (EDSS-1), 1TR6, and VN4 compatible switches
Software Requirements:  The IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog
Modem requires the following software product:
o  Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 (Enhanced Mode), running under IBM
   DOS 5.0 or higher
Compatibility:  The IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem is a
PCMCIA Type II Versions 2.00, 2.01, and 2.1 compatible adapter.
Limitations:  Only one Mwave(TM) compatible adapter per system is
Planning Information
Customer Responsibilities:  The IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog
Modem is designated as customer setup.  Installation, configuration,
and setup instructions are included in the publication that is
shipped with the product.
Cable Orders:  For the IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem:
o  An ISDN MAM and an analog DAA come with the adapter.
o  Additional analog DAA couplers for operation in different
   countries are available as accessories.
Problem Determination:  Adapter Diagnostics are included on the
diskettes.  These diagnostics are designed to assist the customer in
problem determination.
Packaging:  Contents of the boxes for each of the part numbers listed
below are:
o  One adapter, PCMCIA
o  Four 3.5-inch diskettes
o  An ISDN cable
o  An analog cable
o  Installation and testing instructions
Product                       Vehicle     Part         Number
Description                  8550-ZZZ)    Number      of Boxes
IBM WaveRunner
 PCMCIA ISDN or Analog
 Modem with Publications
 in US English                  7939      04H7686        1
IBM WaveRunner
 PCMCIA ISDN or Analog
 Modem Multipack with
 Five Adapters per Pack         8006      04H7757
IBM WaveRunner
 PCMCIA ISDN or Analog
 Modem Multipack with
 30 Adapters per Pack           8008      04H7758
Accessories:  A country-specific analog coupler allows the customer
to connect to another country's telephone network.  The
country-specific telco cable is included in the package.
Note: These couplers will be available upon successful completion of
Country                       Number
United States                 4525596
Austria                       4525664
Belgium                       43G3364
Denmark                       4525658
France                        58G7641
Germany                       59G1054
Italy                         59G1039
Netherlands                   43G3359
Sweden                        43G3352
Switzerland                   4525685
United Kingdom                4525682
Australia                     4525663
New Zealand                   43G3361
Singapore                     4525596
Security, Auditability, and Control
This product uses the security and auditability features of host
hardware, host software, and/or application software.
User management is responsible for evaluation, selection, and
implementation of security features, administrative procedures, and
appropriate controls in application systems and communications
MES Discount Applicable:  No
Field-Installable Feature:  Yes
Warranty Period:
o  PCMCIA Adapter and Cables:  Five years.
o  IBM Media:  Three months.
o  IBM Programs:  Three months.
o  Non-IBM Media:  Not warranted by IBM.  Warranty, if any, is
   provided by original supplier.
o  Non-IBM Programs:  Not warranted by IBM.  Warranty, if any, is
   provided by original supplier.
Customer Setup:  Yes
Licensing:  IBM programs shipped with the IBM WaveRunner PCMCIA ISDN
or Analog Modem are licensed under the terms and conditions of the
IBM Program License Agreement.  A copy of this agreement is included
in the documentation that ships with the adapter.
Non-IBM programs that ship with the adapter are available from IBM as
distributed by the program supplier.  Terms and conditions of the
supplier apply.  They are included in their respective program
packages in the documentation that ships with the adapter.
All other terms and conditions are the same as those applicable to
the IBM system in which the feature is installed.
National Education Price (NEP):  A National Education Price is
available under the terms and conditions of the National Education
Price List.
                              Feature     Part        Purchase
Description                    Number     Number      Price
IBM WaveRunner
 Analog Modem                   7939      04H7686    $  595
IBM WaveRunner
 PCMCIA ISDN or Analog
 Modem Multipack with
 Five Adapters                  8006      04H7757     2,885
IBM WaveRunner
 PCMCIA ISDN or Analog
 Modem Multipack with
 30 Adapters                    8008      04H7758    17,310
Field Install Only:  Yes
Plant Install Only:  No
(R)   Registered trademark of International Business Machines