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Re: OS2 / WARP: Networking

> On Wed, 14 Dec 1994, STEVE GODFREY, (613) 788-4386 wrote:

> I'm balking at changing over.  99.9% of my software usage is Microsoft
> Office, some windows fax software and windows comms.  Oh did I forget
> DOOM?  ;) How good is Warp at Windows applications if that's most of what
> I'm likely to use? 

	I have not tried Warp, but I have tried and dumped every other
incarnation of OS/2 from 1.2 to 2.1.

	To me, it mostly boils down to this:  If you have OS/2-based
software, its wonderful.  If you have Windows-based software, then why
run OS/2?  Just like those who had lots of DOS apps have been disappointed
with the way DOS apps ran under Windows, I have been similarly disappointed
with the way my Windows Apps. run under OS/2.

	If the whole world had standardized on OS/2 and had been writing lots
of OS/2 apps (yeah, there's 2,000 of them out there somewhere, but nearly
all of it is crap that nobody's ever heard of), then it would be a great
choice of operating system.  Until then, you'll be running almost nothing
but Windows or DOS apps. under OS/2--why?

	In my experience, applications run best on the operating system (lets
not get too picky about Windows not really being an op. system--okay,
"operating environment") they were designed to run on.  This means Windows
apps run best on Windows--not on a Mac "SoftWindows", not using WABI on some
flavor of Unix, and not on OS/2's Windows implimentation.

	But if you are willing to select pretty much *only* OS/2-based
software (of which the selection is fairly limited--especially if you are
a Microsoft Office person), then go to OS/2 and enjoy it--it really is
great, but just starving for real application support.

-----                                          ________________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@usc.edu               |       Y'know, Tuna just      |
USC School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)|    doesn't taste the same    |
  (My opinions are mine, but since I'm         |      since they took the     |
    right, they should be yours too.)          |          Dolphin out!        |