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Re: QUES: Imigosh! A MAC!!!

On Thu, 29 Dec 1994, Randal Whittle wrote:

> 	I just think that Intel may be heading for a dead end--CISC 
> chip technology is aging, and though we don't know what architecture the
> P6 will use yet, I'm guessing it will be yet another CISC chip.
> 	Comments, anyone?  I haven't bought a machine just yet...

Re: the mac os.
  _Windows_ multitasks better. You'd be better off with OS2 if concurrent 
processing is at all important to you.

  Boy am I sick of the love affair everyone seems to have with RISC these 
days. It's NOT necessarily inherently better than CISC. There are several 
techniques for removing the useless pauses in cycles on CISC ships (the 
major speed advantage in RISC chips). Furthermore, RISC chips have some 
disadvantages (less addressing modes, MUCH harder to write compilers for) 
and some tradeoffs (storage space, needed RAM).
  Don't get me wrong - RISC has some real advantages. It's just not a 
panacea. You can easily make a RISC machine run as slowly as a CISC.