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two configuration problems

I have two separate configuration problems that I'd appreciate some
help on:

1. Has anyone gotten GTAR/GTAK 2.43 to work with a Dock II under OS/2
   Warp?  I've tried numerous configurations and been unable to get
   the tape drivers to work.  Part of the problem is that I've found
   the documentation to be cryptic at best, and I really don't know
   how to read between the lines (my experience with SCSI is limited
   to unix platforms).

2. I'm helping a colleague set up a new Sigma Data 810MB drive for his
   ThinkPad, and I've been unable to get the disk to boot.
   Specifically, I can boot off floppies, and then format, partition,
   read and write the drive without any trouble.  But when I try to
   boot off the disk after installing the operating system, I get the
   error message

      Unable to load operating system from startup disk.

   However, the same 755C runs fine when I put the original 540MB
   drive in it.  This error message appears to come from the boot ROM,
   because it is the same when the entire disk is formatted as a
   single DOS volume, or when the disk is partitioned and OS/2 boot
   manager is installed.  In the latter case it can't even boot the
   boot manager.

   BTW, my boot ROM is at revision 1.15, so that can be ruled out as
   the trouble.

Anyway, I hope someone has some ideas about these problems -- I've
about run out.  Thanks in advance.