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Megahertz Upgrade?? NOT!

Subject: Megahertz Upgrade?? NOT!

 +--------- Ajm1@mit.Edu spoke of Re: Megahertz Upgrade?? --------- -..
 |please keep me posted regarding the mhz upgrade... I have the same modem.
 |If you want me to call Mhz, let me know and i'll bug them on my side...
 |Arturo J. Morales      (RPI '94)   |  ajm1@mit.edu
 |Department of Biology              | Massachvsetts Institvte of Technology
 |  http://www.mit.edu:8001/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/a/j/ajm1/www/top.html
 |"That Person you see in the Mirror is made up of D-Amino Acids" --C.P.
 +---- to Joseph Pereira ----- -..
   I got the 28.8 but I had to pay full price......I'm returning
   it though. I'm having all sorts of problems with it, problems
   I never experienced with my MHZ 14.4. Such as being forced to
   connect at 4800, staying online after logging off a system,
   getting a "shriek" with no connect, getting no Ansi when
   logging on.
   I never had any difficulty with the 14.4...it's just not worth
   the aggregation. I'll wait until they iron out the bugs.

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