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Re: driver for larger virtual screen?

``..Mike Dixon writes,
` From: mdixon@parc.xerox.com (Mike Dixon)
` Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 15:06:02 PST
` to help compensate for my laptop's small screen, i'd like some kind
` of "virtual screen" software (i.e. pretend the screen is, say, 2000x2000,
` and let me quickly change which part of it is actually being displayed
` at any given time).
` i've used packages that did this on other OSs (e.g. olvwm under unix/X),

olvwm must be a hog on the X-machine! I'm currently using tvtwm on an
AIX 3.2.5 and it's heaps faster, - some window functionality.

` and i once played with some other laptop (i think it was a panasonic) that
` seemed to provide this as part of the windows video device driver.

What type of virtual screens manager did they have?

` is there any way to get this capability on my thinkpad?

There are a few around. WideAngle made it big with their virtual screens.
Works in Windows and Win/OS2. It was not a front-end to Windows (like
Norton Desktop). Just load Windows and click on the icon. An icon grid
(user configurable) of say 9 squares appeared on the bottom of the
screen. Each "pigeon hole" is a virtual screen. It is a commercial

There is also an equivalent  OS/2 shareware verison called "9lives" or
something. Look through the archives and search for "virtual". I did see
two or three sharewares for virtual windows.

However none of the virtual screen window managers I've seen emulates
tvtwm/X. A small window at the bottom of the screen with a panner. Moving
the panner in this window moves the viewable screen to another
screen estate. This small window represents the entire (virtual) screen.
Then again, you could install Linux+X on the TP and run tvtwm.. if I had
more disk space ):  Cheers.

  kevin cheong  mlp program  iss nus