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Re: New OS/2 driver bug?

   From: ychou@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Sean Chou)
   Date: Mon, 06 Mar 1995 23:45:32 -0500

   Has anyone else had any difficulties with the new OS/2 WD
   video drivers? Specifically, when using 64k colors, do you
   get misplaced widgets with seamless Windows?

   Also, if you use PMView, do you get an inverse palette
   with thumbnail view?

I haven't tried using 64k colors, so I can't say anything about your
first symptom.  However, I have had a variety of palette-related bugs
ever since upgrading to Warp.  These problems have persisted after I
installed the new WD drivers last month.

In addition to getting scrambled thumbnails in PMView, I've also had
trouble with desktop colors acting strangely -- specifically, when I
first brought up Warp, the background was not a solid color, but
mixed.  I then went into the background page of the settings notebook,
and found that, according to the settings page, the desktop _was_ a
solid color.  Turning "solid color" off and then back on fixed the

I've also noticed similar trouble when turning on the "workplace shell
palette aware" checkbox -- the desktop colors change to incorrect
values, and some of them change from solid to mixed.  But in this
case, it's not possible to get them to work right.  Thus, even though
I would prefer to have the shell be palette-aware, I don't do it,
because the desktop looks ugly when it is.