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Re: poweron password?

It's not a security issue, IBM publishes this information in the Hardware 
Maintenance Manual.  I had just written this information up for inclusion 
into the FAQ and was about to send this info out to the list when I read 
your message.  IBM does not keep this information secret, and since it's 
not something you can do in 5 seconds I don't think there's any real 
danger in giving it out.  It follows in the next message.

Joshua Hosseinoff

On Sun, 12 Mar 1995, Rohan Davidson wrote:

> On Sat, 11 Mar 1995, jesse montrose wrote:
> > I have a 755cs, and I was playing around with the poweron password.  I set
> > it, and it works great..
> > I can't change or remove it though.  When I go into the initial setup
> > screen, I can change the supervisor or drive passwords (they're both empty
> > tho') but the poweron password is dimmed..
> > Any ideas?
> Sorry Jesse can't really help much here, though I accidentally fell on a 
> crack for it.  Now comes the ethical bit.
> I know how to defeat the poweron password.  On the 360 at least.  It's a 
> major security issue I guess I should take up with big blue.  However, 
> I'm sure it's valuable information to the list to know it's not 
> foolproof.  I do however have serious qualms about posting the solution 
> to the list, because there are too many hardware maintainers out there 
> to whom it may be potentially lucrative.
> For now, I will not make the crack public.  Do we have a consensus on 
> whether it should die with me, or on the other extreme go in the FAQ
>  B.8. Power on password - not.