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indroduce myself

I am Joachim Kuhn from Germany an I am working with my thinkpads under SCO UNIX
and MS-DOS.
 somtimes there are Problems with UNIX on the TP. Therefor I am looking for
help here in this Forum.
 (I am developing commercial SW under SCO UNIX and Foxbase+ ; of cours on my
 and: Sorry about my English!

 Joachim Kuhn
 Lindauerstr. 6
 D-87439 Kempten
 Tel. +49 831 511351  Fax +49 831 511352

 INTERNET: 100042.2161@compuserve.com

 -  E-Mail from Joachim Kuhn, 100042,2161 
 -  D-87439 Kempten, Germany
 -  11-Apr-1995, 17:32:15 MESZ