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Hooray! Cold boot problem solved


I am now on my second TP755CE trying to solve a problem where it will
not boot up in the morning when cold (memory size displayed, floppy
LED on, nothing else happens).  After numerous call to IBM tech
support, they finally asked "do you have an ethernet PCMCIA card
installed?"  It turns out that this known is a problem with the XIRCOM 
Performance Series Ethernet Adapters:  with the card installed, the TP
has to "warm up" before it will successfully boot.  Apparently IBM
and XIRCOM are still scratching their heads over this one. The only 
solution at the moment is either to live with it, or boot first, then
install the card.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to which
ethernet card I should ask my pc vendor to swap for the XIRCOM?  Thanks.

Regards,  Greg 
Gregory Vaeth                                          snailnet:
internet: gvaeth@netcom.com                            General Instrument
          gvaeth@gic.gi.com   ------ __o       __o     Communications Division
voicenet: (215) 956-6488     ----- _`\<,_    _`\<,_    2200 Byberry Road
faxnet:   (215) 675-4059    ----- (*)/ (*)  (*)/ (*)   Hatboro, PA  19040
My opinions are my own, and do not represent those of my employer.