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Re: OS/2 WARP and Windows video on 755c

>I somehow managed to mess my video up under WINOS/2 on my thinkpad 
>755c. I then did a selective install to attempt to correct the 
>problem, but now it is worse than ever! When I run Windows, the 
>display is zoomed up about four times its normal size and I can thus 
>only see the top left quarter corner of Windows screen! I think there 
>is a problem with either the win.ini file or system.ini file. I would 
>appreciate it if somebody with the same configuration could forward 
>me copies of thier files.
>Richard Ellerbrock (ECNE)
Sounds like your resolution has altered.  If it's just the windows that are
large, and the icons and text are the coreect size, you just need to resize
all of the windows.  It's because they may have been created under a higher
resolution that what you are at now.  I have that happen,not on my TP but
under desktops when I changed drivers.

|Kris D. Williams<krisdw@basenet.net>                           |
|Instructor/Developer:Mobile Education-IBM Education & Training |
|Co-Owner:InComm - Sensible Solutions for the Road Warrior      |
|My opinions are my own (really!)                               |