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Re: Should I install MWave v1.10? (and OS/2)

I installed the two DOS disks, three Windows disk, FaxWorks! and the 
OS/2 disks.  I didn't really notice a difference, though I *think* 
modem file transfer is now faster.  All the problems I have had with
MWAVE on OS/2 continue, however.  Some day, I might reinstall Warp
for the third time, but my conclusion is that the OS/2 people simply
haven't taken sufficient care to integrate their product with laptops.
IBM has announced that OS/2 will be preloaded on many laptops.  This
will be a real hoot for their help line.

I got Linux running on my 755CE in much less time than OS/2, but then
I'm a UNIX person.  I was crossmounting file systems between my laptop
and my server within a day.  And like OS/2 Linux doesn't (appear to)
support MWAVE or 16-bit pixels either!  But it's remarkably responsive.
