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Re: Updated driver diskettes for IBM ThinkPad

	But I've only got the videoadapter (V 1.2)-, audioadapter (V1.2)- 
	diskettes for OS/2 2.x shipped with the ThinkPad and the two installation diskettes for 
	the Ethernet Adapter (V. 2.01). Unluckily the WARP PCMCIA socket drivers 
	and the WARP Easyplaying don't support my PCMCIA IBM Ethernet Card (max. 10kb/sec) properly. 
	The drivers shipped with the ThinkPad (max. 1Mb/sec) won't work together 
	with the Selective Installation Program of WARP.

I haven't tried TCP/IP yet, but I have got the Netware ODI stuff working.
I just used the latest requester stuff plus the drivers on the ethernet
card disk.  I plan to add the odinsup stuff soon to run tcp/ip.
I had some discussions with the Helpline, various example configs, socket
driver disks, etc, etc.  In the end, I was told just to use whatever came
with warp.