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Re: 755CE & Lithuim Ion ?

On May 12,  5:57pm, Robert Dewar wrote:
> Subject: Re: 755CE & Lithuim Ion ?
> twice as long exceeds IBM's estimate by a huge amount. In the IBM
> docmentation for the CX I seem to remember 2.4 => 3.0
>-- End of excerpt from Robert Dewar

If the Lithium Ion battery can sustain a current hog like the Pentium for 2 - 3
hours, it would conceivably sustain a 486 for considerably longer.


Robert George      Computer Engineer     (408) 656-3316 Fax: (408) 656-2814
Army Research Laboratory/AMSRL-SS-IC/2800 Powder Mill Rd/Adelphi, MD 20783
            URL: http://cs.nps.navy.mil/people/phd/george
"I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be assim... Ooooooooh donuts!"