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At a street price of about $400, Sony has the Sony Discman 150 which is highly
portable, running on AA batteries (and, of course, AC).  Runs for about 1 1/2
hours on batteries.  Next month, they are coming out with the '155' which has
a Sound Blaster 16 card built in.  It comes with a headset.  Both the '150'
and the '155' are PCMCIA.  The list price of the '155' is $750.  I talked with
Sony and they have specifically used the TP750C in their testing, so they say
it works fine with it.

Len Jacobson

> From @amdahl.uts.amdahl.com:owner-tp750@CS.UTK.EDU Fri May 19 09:33 PDT 1995
> X-Resent-To: tp750@CS.UTK.EDU ; Fri, 19 May 1995 11:52:13 EDT
> Date: Fri, 19 May 1995 11:51:36 -0400
> From: stevens@watson.ibm.com (Andrew Stevens)
> To: tp750@CS.UTK.EDU
> Subject: PCMCIA CD-ROM
> Hi, I was wondering what the consensus was on the best CD-ROM drive
> that will plug into my PCMCIA slot.  I notice that Panasonic has a
> 2X drive with PCMCIA card for $290.  Has anybody successfully hooked
> this one up to a 750C?
> --andy