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Re: 28.8 PCMCIA modem recommendation

> I'm thinking about stepping up to a 28.8 modem, probably
> of the Megahertz X-jack variety.  I've been using a 14.4

	I have a cheap copy of the X-Jack called "EZ-Jack" and
the modem is manufactured by Practical Peripherals.

> Is there anybody out there using one of these beasties?
> Does it coexist OK with the Thinkpad Easy Play drivers?
	Mine does fine.  I presume the MHz, which has a good
reputation for compatibility with the IBM machines, would also.

> Is 28.8 generally obtainable, or do the analog phone lines
> render 28.8 a pipe dream?

	Pretty much.  :)  You'll should regularly get 24K or 26.4K
connects though.  I've never once gotten a 28.8K connect.

-----                                           ___________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@usc.edu                |   Practice random acts  |
USC School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!) |        of senseless     |
  (My opinions are mine, but since I'm          |       viol...err..      |
    right, they should be yours too.)           |         kindness!       |