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Re: NeXTSTEP on Thinkpads

> 	NeXTStep is notorious for system requirements.  I don't know 
> anything about the specifics of running NS on a Thinkpad, but I have 
> looked into running it on my desktop.
> 	8MB is probably not enough RAM to do anything useful, but the 
> system will boot in 2-bit mono. As for 340MB of disk space, that'll be 

	To me, the question is:  what software is there available
for running on the NeXTstep OS?

	If an operating system is to be judged on merits and technical
prowess alone, then perhaps NeXTstep or OS/2 would be king of all PC's--
but without significant native software, what good is the OS (unless
you have highly specialized requirements)?

	Yet another reason I find a Mac preferable to OS/2--a Mac 
has apps written to run on it (and hey, it can even emulate Windows 
fairly well).  Sure, I wish it could multitask 1/4 as well as OS/2
can, but at least I don't have to run Windows apps to make my Mac
useful.  If I were to be mean, I'd say the Lotus SmartSuite is about
the only reason OS/2 has for living.   ;)

	I presume NeXTstep has the same problem?  What software
is available for it?  Perhaps it is useful for persons with highly
specialized needs.

-----                                           ___________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@usc.edu                |   Practice random acts  |
USC School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!) |        of senseless     |
  (My opinions are mine, but since I'm          |       viol...err..      |
    right, they should be yours too.)           |         kindness!       |