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Re: Re[2]: 28.8 PCMCIA modem recommendation

> All modems contain some line-matching and analogic circuitry, and
> some signal-processing DSP- based code. Good digital to analog and
> analog to digital converters cost money, as does the stuff you need to
> make the thing immune to outside noise, and power-supply noise. 
> People who gladly pay for better audio speaker cables and connectors
> should understand that the non-digital bits and pieces matter
> and cost *a lot* to do properly.

It's not clear that there is "a lot" of cost difference between a great
modem and a poor modem (given the same basic modem chip set). What does
happen is that when you build one million modems, plus, per year every
cent adds up. That is when cost becomes a driver.

"Performance is expected, but cost is still king." Good words, but many
times the expected part is ignored.

Scott A. Stratmoen | strat@ast.dsd.northrop.com
                   | (708) 259-9600 (ex 24762)