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SVGA Win-OS/2 under Warp

   From: "Richard Ellerbrock" <A94685@netman.eskom.co.za>
   Date: Wed, 31 May 1995 07:35:35 GMT+2

   Please could you tell me how to go about getting Warp for Windows (no 
   Windows code with my Warp) working at resolutions higher than 
   640x480x256c on an external monitor connected to my 755c. The standard 
   wd0c24 drivers shipped with Warp refuse to go higher (don't even get 
   the option) and installing the old 2.1 video features disk really 
   messed up my system.

Once you have installed the 2.1 video features, you're in real
trouble.  I did this once and was only able to fix it by reinstalling
Warp.  A friend also did this, and we were able to patch his system
into a working state by manually comparing the files in his \os2
directory with the files in mine, and copying two or three of the Warp
files back onto his machine.

Reinstalling the Warp video drivers doesn't work, because it doesn't
seem to overwrite all of the necessary files.  Unfortunately, we
didn't write down the list of files that we munged at the time, and
now I no longer remember.

What you should do, if you can, is find someone else running a 755c
with this version of Warp (I can help with this if you have FTP
access, but hurry since I'm upgrading to Warp Connect in a week or
two).  Get a copy of their \os2 directory on your machine somehow,
then run `diff -rq' on the two directories (using GNU diff).  Then
you'll have to poke through the diff output to decide which files are
important and which are irrelevant, and copy the important differences
back into your \os2 directory.  If you're not sure how to distinguish
which files are important, I'll be happy to help -- I think I can
figure it out if I see it again.

Once you've recovered the original Warp drivers in a working state,
you should follow the instructions in the Warp book describing how to
enable SVGA modes.  That will perform the initialization required to
turn on the other resolutions for external monitors.