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Re: is there interest in a thinkpad unix list?

and how do you know what all people read?

On Tue, 6 Jun 1995, -------------------------------------------------------------------- wrote:

> Hi Keith,
> It's now been a few months since I subscribed to this list. I am quite happy
> with it. My primary interest is LinuX on Thinkpad. I would greatly appreciate
> a separate list. I think I am not alone in this situation, lots of other
> people are interested and don't read any mail related with DOS, OS/2 or
> Windows.
> But why shouldn't we vote on your proposal ?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> St'ephane ERANIAN			| Email	eranian@chorus.fr
> Universit'e PARIS VII			|	eranian@litp.ibp.fr
> LITP - Laboratoire d'Informatique	|
> Th'eorique et Programmation		|
> 2 place Jussieu				|
> 75251 Paris cedex 05			|
> --------------------------------------------------------------------